How to make a living in the caribbean as a Digital Nomad
Moving to a different country is a challenging process that requires preparation and thorough research. But it can be incredibly rewarding if that country is located somewhere in the Caribbean region. Imagine yourself with a cocktail in one hand and a book in the other, enjoying a remote beach while sunbathing and soaking in the scenic views.
The Caribbean region is situated on the east coast of Central America, southeast of the Gulf of Mexico, and south of North America. It’s one of the most popular destinations for expats. The rich cultural heritage, mesmerizing landscapes, delicious food, and fascinating history make the islands the perfect choice for those who are looking for a casual and more comfortable lifestyle.
Before you pack your bags and book the one-way ticket to another land, make sure you are well-informed. For that purpose, we’ve put together a guide with practical tips that can help you in your journey.
Caribbean digital nomad: Learn About the Destinations
There are several destinations in the Caribbean where you can set your foot and plant your roots, including the Bahamas, Cayman Islands, St. Kitts and Nevis, Antigua and Barbuda, St. Lucia, Belize, Dominica, Barbados, Haiti, Jamaica, Suriname, Trinidad and Tobago, Grenada, The Grenadines, St. Vincent, and Montserrat.
Traveling to the Caribbean is quite expensive for visitors and expats. You might need boats as well as flights to get from one island to another. And since the airfare can be pricey, the best alternative would be to consider a cruise or rent a watertaxi.
All of these destinations offer a variety of opportunities for living and working remotely in each. For example, you can obtain St. Kitts citizenship by investment via various conditions: donating to the National Government Fund or investing in real estate. Some entities facilitate the entire process of becoming a citizen of a particular country, so you can check that option as well.
Working in the Caribbean
When it comes to working in the Caribbean, it’s not always doable and straightforward. However, there is a job for everybody and if you’ve decided to work and live there, you can find job opportunities in law, business, accounting, and tourism.
Before getting a work approval, you’ll need to go through a slightly rigorous process of formalities and paperwork. Apart from it, you can even find your place under the Caribbean Islands in educational institutes, yoga resorts, or travel agencies.
The larger towns and cities have more promising opportunities, but if you decide to stay there for more than 90 days in a row, you’ll need a residence permit. If you are an American or Dutch citizen, you’ll be required a residence permit only if you stay for more than 180 days.
Digital Nomad Living in the Caribbean
You might wonder what is it like to live on these marvelous islands. If you are looking for a change of lifestyle or looking for better opportunities, you must do your due diligence and learn as much as you can about the Caribbean lifestyle. Some of the Caribbean Islands provide cheap living conditions, so it can be comparatively less expensive than your usual bills.
Moving to the Caribbean might not be a suitable option for everybody. Here are some tips to have in mind when doing your research and considering different perspectives when making a decision:
- Island time exists; meaning the heat slows you down and sometimes you are not in the mood of doing anything;
- There is a lot of drinking – tourists in the Caribbean drink like it’s their last drink of the year. Plus imagine the breathtaking beaches, beach parties, rum, alcohol, and countless sunsets on a boat – well, for sure it’s the perfect lifestyle on vacation – But can you cope every day?
- The islands are small which means you’ll have to wait a lot for imports at customs. This is why so many people decide to fly to Miami and shop there instead of shopping in-island;
- It gets dark after 7 pm because the Caribbean islands are closer to the equator so the sun sets from 6 to 7 pm.
- Endless summer is real, so if you are a fan of summer nights, climate perfection, and nice weather, this is the right destination for you.
The Health Insurance
Digital Nomad Health insurance is one of the most important aspects when living and working in the Caribbean. You will need to check the availability of healthcare facilities since there are public ad private hospitals available for the residents and tourists.
Cuba and the Bahamas are known to offer outstanding medical services to travelers and expats, however, the standards may differ from one island to another.
What Are You Waiting For?!
While we are aware that not everybody can and will live the Caribbean lifestyle, we most certainly know what those who will, need to prepare for the change of their lifetimes.