What you get
First 100 Physical Cards are FREE
50% off after 100 registrations
How to collect
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100 Free Emergency Cards. The first 100 Cards are FREE (50% OFF after 100 registrations)
We ship anywhere in the world.
Clocr’s Emergency Card is the fastest, easiest way to reach your emergency contacts if you find yourself in an emergency situation and are unable to speak for yourself. The Emergency Card allows a first responder or a good samaritan to reach your emergency contacts instantly.
1. The person helping you scan the QR code on your Emergency Card (or on the keyring tag)
2. Next, they activate the “SOS” button to send an SMS message, GPS location, and a phone call to all your emergency contacts
3. The first person to respond will be immediately connected to the person that activated the SOS call
1. You may have emergency contacts stored in your phone now, but what if your phone is damaged or is unable to be opened or unlocked? The Emergency Card doesn’t need to be recharged and can’t be broken.
2. In addition to your emergency contacts, you can also provide vital information to first responders, such as allergies, current medications, and even your medical power of attorney.
3. Easy to carry
4. Easy to use with a simple QR scan.
Online Cards are 100% Free – No Charge.
1. We ship cards to anywhere in the world via US Postal Service (First Class Mail)
2. Cards are not country-specific, they work globally. The SOS number is generated dynamically based on the location of the card when it is activated (Subject to Clocr service availability)
3. You can use online cards until you receive your physical cards
If you are interested in getting this card for other regions, please send us the country you are interested in at info@clocr.com.
Check out other Clocr services.