
Circus Network Lda.

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Circus Network was born in 2012 as a cultural organization, evolving in the year 2015 to become a creative agency, art gallery, store and co-work. This space is dedicated to urban art, illustration, music and design. Located in the heart of Porto, in the so-called “Art District” (Rua do Rosário, 54), our main objective is to promote Portuguese talent strengthening relationships between artists, entities and the surrounding community. Circus Network’s program includes exhibitions by national and international artists, collective exhibitons, organization of murals, artistic residencies, workshops and the promotion of street art as an emerging artistic expression.

This space is best for entrepreneurs, freelancers and companies who enjoy working in a relaxed and multidisciplinary environment. The cowork’s opening hours are the same as the store, from 11am to 7pm, and each coworker has a dedicated table, a chair and a locker and also the right to use the common spaces: kitchen, bathrooms, patio and living and meeting rooms.

70€ (+VAT) per person including:
+ Dedicated place with 100x90cm
+ WiFi internet
+ Mailing Address
+ Kitchenette
+ Outdoor Patio
+ Alarm
+ Weekly Cleaning of common areas
+ Use of Meeting Room
+ Use of Living Room
+ Toilet
+ Locker

Porto, Portugal

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