Bansko Nomad Fest
Start: Sun, Jun 23, 2024 3:00 pm
End: Sun, Jun 30, 2024 12:00 pm
For one week hundreds of nomads, remote workers and freelancers will take over a beautiful village in Bulgaria for an amazing mix of presentations, workshops, sports, mindfulness and nature.
Join a community of forward-thinking digital nomads and location independent travellers for a life-changing experience.
At Bansko Nomad Fest, you'll:
- connect
- play
- explore
- learn
- create
- give back
- relax and rejuvenate
...through a series of curated events designed to elevate your health, wealth, happiness, and freedom.
Don't just attend an event; transform your life and achieve true freedom!
Over the past six years, Bansko has emerged as a prominent digital nomad hub in Europe.
Many nomads have become permanent Bansko residents, while others return after exploring the globe.
Bansko Nomad Fest encapsulates this magic in a week-long event, highlighting all that Bansko has to offer and sharing this unique experience with hundreds of new friends.
The last event was sold out with 729 tickets, and for the next event in 2024, we aim for 1,000 attendees.